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Who Are We?

Who are these people who call ourselves members of The SWAN Church?

We are a group of people who seek fellowship and encouragement in a safe and welcoming environment where we are free to explore many different faiths and beliefs on our own unique spiritual journey.

Who May Join The SWAN Church?

Anyone who is not a member of another church may become a member of The SWAN Church if our beliefs ring true with you. Anyone, regardless of other church memberships, is free to join us in asynchronous worship online. Some of us meet regularly for small in-person gatherings in private homes. Email Pastor Wendy if you’d like to host a SWAN gathering in your home.

How Can You Become a Member?

If you have read and align with what we believe, our creed, and you are not a member of another church, you may fill out the membership application. Pastor Wendy will reach out to confirm your membership. You will also be subscribed to NDN: NeuroDiversity News, Pastor Wendy’s monthly e-newsletter that includes information about The SWAN Church in addition to other information related to neurodiversity. You may, of course, unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time.

Whoever and wherever you are, you are welcome here, no mask required.