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What We Believe


Scriptures & Worship for All Neurotypes


This is what we believe.

  • We are a body of individuals who believe in the worthiness of every person, regardless of neurotype, disability, or identification.
  • We hold the belief that all are lovable and loved by God, a Higher Power, or our inner Best Self, regardless of where we are in our personal journeys toward belief.
  • We believe that a closer relationship with God, a Higher Power, or our inner Best Self is possible through reflection, learning, and/or community with other like-minded souls.
  • We believe that many different religions and beliefs have important things to teach us. By learning from the many rather than limiting our worship to a particular denomination, we are all more open and able to find and follow our individual spiritual paths.
  • We strive to share the message that everyone deserves a place at the table, and all are unconditionally worthy of love and respect.
  • Our goal is to provide spiritual communication and support to all who seek a spiritual home or community where they will be accepted without judgment.
  • Respecting that not everyone has the ability or desire to leave their home and attend worship in another location, we provide worship opportunities online.
  • Respecting that not everyone has the ability or desire to attend a service at a particular time, our messages are asynchronous and may be accessed at any time.
  • We believe that by sharing our message that all are worthy of unconditional love and respect, we have the power to make our world a better place.