When Times Are Hard

Hello, Pastor Wendy here. It’s November 7, 2024 as I’m writing this. Now we know the results of the presidential election. For many, this is a difficult time. It is for me, too. Many people may not feel safe in this political climate. You might not want to be out and proud as who you are right now. That’s okay. Or maybe you do want to raise your voice and share your feelings for all the world to hear. That’s okay, too. Wherever you are, however you’re feeling, you are in the right place, and your feelings, whatever they are, are valid and important.

My hope for you right now is that you take care of yourself. We may be entering a new and different era as a nation, and it may feel dark and dangerous to be in the minority. Humans have lived through dark and dangerous times, and against all odds, we go on. We survive. We even thrive, if we take care of ourselves.

If you’re feeling stressed or anxious about things right now, I hope you’ll reach out to people you feel safe with. If you have a pet dog or cat, take time for extra cuddles, scritches, and belly rubs. You’ll both feel better. Remember to drink water, eat food, get outside if you can, maybe exercise. Listen to music that uplifts you. Read or watch familiar stories that you love.

If you go on the internet, I hope you’ll choose joy-scrolling over doom-scrolling. Seek out images and stories that help you feel better about the world. I hear they have cats on the internet. You might want to check that out.

If you’re seriously depressed or in despair, help is available for you. You can call or text 988 for the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. If you’re a veteran, you can press 1 after 988 to be connected to the Veteran’s Crisis Lifeline.

The Trevor Project .org is a non-profit suicide prevention organization that provides 24/7 crisis support services for the LGBTQ community, especially youth. They’ve been busy since the election, so if you don’t get through TrevorText or TrevorChat, call the TrevorLifeline at 1 866 488 7386.

If you do, you’ll find someone ready to help. You deserve it.

Well, I’m going to go drink a glass of water, and have lunch with my kids now. I always feel better in their company. I hope you’ll do something that helps you feel better, too. Treat yourself with the same tender compassion you show to your friends, your family, and your pets.

Remember: you are worthy and loved, just as you are, no mask required. I’m praying for you today. Now, go drink some water. I’ll see you next time.